Junior Tidy Towns

Over the past couple of months Ballyduff Junior Tidy Towns has been working to do their bit in the community. They have been concentrating on the school garden, planting the beds there with lavender and roses. The children in the community have also played a big part in helping to keep our roads litter free, taking part in our National Spring Clean & the North Wexford 2K Clean.
A big effort has also gone in to making the school garden a fun place for the children to be in. With this in mind the kids in the area have been involved in using recycled materials to create various items to brighten up the school garden. Some of their efforts can be seen below, with various types of bottle tops being used to create a butterfly, a frog and a robin and some old tyres donated by Enda Byrne Tyres and given a paint job to create our own three Minions! An old tractor tyre was even given a makeover and turned into a friendly bumble bee!
Michelle and Kevin are already busy coming up with ideas for what to start working on next. That old oil tank in the corner could be their next target!!

Thanks to everyone for their help! As a reward we have created a beautiful fridge magnet and badge to promote the Junior Tidy Towns. They were designed by some of the children in our group. If you haven't received your fridge magnet or badge yet send a message to us on Facebook.
We had great interest in our Junior Tidy Towns Colouring competition and we have added a few of the entries below!